Organizing events in an accessible manner

Organizing an event in such a way as not to create barriers that exclude people with disabilities is not complicated. You don’t need to be a specialist. Just be aware of the importance of accessibility, follow some practical guidelines and be ready to listen and understand the specific needs of each person. Here is a first working paper we are discussing within the AEIS project towards a simple and concise leaflet which summarises the essential points to consider.

Accessibility to information and communication

Accessibility to information and communication

November 13, 2021 2 pm (Rome time – UTC 13) | Webinar
Watch again the Webinar on YouTube

Webinar report
by Herman Wouters

In the first video, Rita Bersch ( physiotherapist, from Porto Alegre RS, Brazil) started her presentation by showing an example of the architecture of a barrier free designed school so that any people would be able to use the space anticipating specific needs including the accessibility requirements.

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Accessibility and built environment

Logo of the event

October 9, 2021 2PM (Rome time – UTC 16) | Webinar
Watch again the Webinar on YouTube

Webinar report
by Herman Wouters and Maria Cynthia Funk

This issue of the AEIS (Accessible Environment and Inclusive Society) featured the technical side of the conversation with an architect, Stefano Maurizio, and an engineer, Renzo Andrich, who wonderfully shared their accounts on various aspects of their work which greatly contribute to creating accessible, inclusive spaces.

Continue reading “Accessibility and built environment”